Ilarraz Advogados

Bruna Manhago Serro

Partner | Digital and Data Protection


Master in Corporate and Business Law, UNISINOS (2022)
Specialization in Digital Law, University of Uberaba-Verbo Jurídico (2014)
Specialization in National and International Environmental Law, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2011)
Certifications issued by EXIN in Data Protection Officer (DPO), Privacy & Data Protection Foundation (PDPF), Privacy and Data (2019-2020)
Protection Practitioner (PDPP) and Information Security Foundation (ISF) (2019)
L.L.B in Legal and Social Sciences, PUC-RS (2008)


Guest lecturer in New Forms of Contract at the UNISINOS Postgraduate Program in Contract Law (2022-2023)
Lecturer in courses on personal data protection at the School of Business, Accounting, Tax and Human Resources (2020-2021)
Guest lecturer on the Data Protection Officer (DPO) training course at Adapt Now Training (2019-2021)


Member of the OAB/RS Special Commission on Intellectual Property (2022-2023)
Member of the SUCESU-RS Women in Information Technology (IT) Group (2023)

Recent Publications

Serro, Bruna Manhago. Big Personal Data as an Intangible Asset for Companies. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2023. 147 pgs.
Serro, Bruna Manhago. Consent to Cookies in Pre-ticked Boxes and Data Privacy: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Architecture of Choices in Behavioral Economics. In: Data Protection, Controversial Issues. Sarlet, Gabrielle Bezerra Sales. Trindade, Manoel Gustavo Neubarth. Melgaré, Plinio. Ed. Foco, 2021, p. 19-28.
Serro, Bruna Manhago. Personal Data in the Digital Age. Zero Hora, State of Rio Grande do Sul, 2018.
Serro, Bruna Manhago. The civil liability of providers in Law 12.965/12 and the challenges of its application. Jornal da Lei - Jornal do Comércio, 2014, p. 04 - 04.
Serro, Bruna Manhago. The Civil Liability of Application Providers under Law 12.965/2014: Doctrinal and Jurisprudential Analysis. Magister Business, Competition and Consumer Law Magazine, 2014, v. 57, p. 65-79.



Rua Furriel Luiz Antônio Vargas, 380/307
Bairro Bela Vista | Porto Alegre/RS
Brasil | CEP 90.470-130
+55 51 3026 7447
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